Cape Wrath Lighthouse was built in 1828 under Robert Stevenson. The tower is built of hand dressed stone while the rest of the building is constructed of large blocks of granite quarried from Clash Carnoch. All are registered as buildings of Architectural and Historic Interest.
The tower has 81 steps to the top, is 20 meters high and is 122 meters above mean sea level.
Character of Light - Flashing (4) white every 30 seconds
Candle Power - 204,000 candles
Nominal Range - 24 miles (22 nautical miles)
Fog Horn - Siren 90 seconds 6 blasts
Base Co-ordinates - 0580 37' 31.59" N & 0040 59' 56.10" W
25th December - Lighthouse light shone for 1st time
17th January - The first helicopter relief was taken out to a shore based Scottish lighthouse as Cape Wrath had been given "Rock" status due to its remote isolated location.
Mercury Vapour Lamps replaced the Paraffin Vapour Burner.
January - An Electrically Operated Beam was installed.
December - Installation of a new Gearless Pedestal and Lamp Array System.
31st March - converstion to Automatic Status.
Cape Wrath Lighthouse was now monitored remotely from Edinburgh by the Northern Lighthouse Board
Fog Horn turned off.