Visit Cape Wrath.
  Visit Cape Wrath.

One Way Bus Trips

1) From the Ferry to Cape Wrath

If you are using our bus to get to Cape Wrath and then walking either back to the ferry or south to the Kinlochbervie area, follow steps 1 to 3 on our "How to visit" page,  paying a return fare of £15 . 

2) From Cape Wrath to the Ferry

If you intend to ride back to the ferry on our minibus  we strongly advise you contact us the day before your arrival at Cape Wrath.  Contacting us is important so that we may inform our drivers that you will require a seat and advise you on timings.

We say the day before because mobile phone signal is almost unavailable in the Cape Wrath area so contact on the day may not be acheived.   You may contact us in advance if you wish, but our timings will be less accurate at this point.  

From Cape Wrath, you will be allocated the first available seat on our transport. This may not be on the first bus you see. We will however, get you back to the ferry on a subsequent bus. Remember....... if you are on the bus, you will be guaranteed to catch the ferry to the mainland also. 


Note....  Bus fare from Cape Wrath to ferry = £10 

           Ferry fare to mainland  = £8 , 2024 price 

The Bus service will accept Cash and card Payments .


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